Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre Serves patients from Strathpine | Mixed Billing Available | Open 7 Days | Male - Female DOCTORS Available

What are the general health care services you can avail in Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre?

The general services available in the Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre include:

  • Pathology
  • Sports Medicine
  • Travel Health
  • Antenatal Care
  • Women’s Health
  • Sexual Problems
  • Mental Health
  • Accident & Emergency
  • Comprehensive General Practice

What are the additional services that you can avail?

  • Allied health care
  • Mix billing services

Other Services include:

  • Preventive Care
  • Vaccinations, Immunisation, Repeat Scripts
  • Wellness & Health Checks
  • Testing & Screening
  • Health Management – Health assessments for all – 3 4 years old, 45-49 years old, 40-49 years old at the risk of diabetes, 75 years old and above with or without disabilities.
  • Full Nursing Care – Complete care from injections, wound cleaning, ECGs, weight and BP monitoring, etc.


All of these services mentioned above are treated by a team of male or female GP doctors depending on the medical condition of the patient and his comfort with the doctor. 

Dealing with accidents and emergencies

Under emergencies and accidents the doctors in Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre shift their complete focus on the patients brought under any of these two categories. Also, all the appointments for the day shall stand cancelled unless a replacement of the doctor is made available.

What are Mixed Billing services and their advantages?

In mixed billing, a percentage of a GP's patients will pay a private top up on the Medicare allowance, this comes from the patient's pocket. They will do this because it gives them more choice as to whom they see, when they visit, for how long, and very importantly, because they can afford it.

Making an appointment with the GP doctors in Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre

Booking an appointment with a General Practitioner at Lawnton Country Market Medical Centre can be done as follows:

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